Elaine Fogel

brand loyalty

megaphoneIf you’ve been lead to believe that social media marketing and other channels are THE way to grow your business or nonprofit, then you’d be incorrect. And, there’s another study to prove it.

The Boston Consulting Group Brand Advocacy Index (BAI) tells us what really matters is what people say - their word-of-mouth recommendations.

Direct word-of-mouth recommendations from friends and family are by far the most important source of information for customers thinking about buying a product or service.”

In fact, what we call brand advocacy is about four or five times more influential than traditional and social media in making purchases. Continue reading

young unhappy and disappointed female shows thumbs down gesture-icaThere’s nothing like stating the obvious. Why would any business use misleading advertising at all - especially when it has a good reputation or is trying to build it?

There’s a good lesson here for small to medium businesses whose brand reputations could potentially implode if they practiced business this way. Case in point… American Express.

First, let me say that I have been very brand loyal to Amex for many years. It was the only credit card company that gave me credit when I relocated from Canada to the US. Who knew that credit bureaus don’t share information over borders? One can have a stellar credit rating but has to start from scratch when relocating. Ouch.

So, here’s the promotional email I received from Starwood on July 14, 2015:

Your benefits are getting even better. Learn more > Continue reading

Angry Man Jumping on a ComputerThe reason I’m late with my first post of this week is because of technology. I spent three days troubleshooting a problem that seemed impossible to resolve. Grrrr.

I’ll wager that you and most everyone who owns a computer and other technological devices have been at the mercy of technology at some point. It can be the most disruptive, aggravating experience that hinders our ability to work and communicate. Double grrrr.

The biggest problem as I see it is that our various devices don’t always play nicely in the sandbox. Unless, of course, you stay brand loyal to one company, and even then there are no guarantees.  Continue reading

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