Elaine Fogel

marketing to Millennials

two young beautiful woman on whiteMillennials are tech-savvy. Millennials live in their social networks through mobile devices. But, guess what? They share most of their conversations offline in person!

According to Keller Fay Group’s TalkTrack® May 2013 – April 2014,Despite their tech savvy, 84% of [Millennials’] WOM (word-of-mouth) impressions are as a result of offline conversations, primarily face-to-face.”

This is quite shocking considering that Millennials are a communicative generation, accounting for 689 million WOM impressions about brands per day. And, I always thought they had their thumbs buried in Facebook pages. Who knew?

So, what are they discussing?

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young blonde with a bat in their hands - iclipartWhether your small to medium business or nonprofit organization currently markets to Millennials or not, one thing’s for sure. This demographic (18 - 33) is changing the marketing ballgame very quickly and will continue to do so as they gain a larger presence.

The latest Pew Research Center report, “Millennials in Adulthood,” sheds light on some of the vastly different values and attitudes that Millennials have from other generations. If you’re marketing to them, you’ve got to know what makes them tick and target your copywriting and campaigns accordingly.

Here are some findings from the Pew study:

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