Elaine Fogel

Guest Posts

Thanks for your interest in guest blogging for Totally Uncorked on Marketing! Guest posting is an excellent way to expose yourself to a new audience, increase your search engine optimization (SEO) and add new readers to your own blog.

Since I receive many guest post requests, I decided to make things easier by posting these blog guidelines. Please review them before contacting me or making a submission. Thanks!

Elaine Fogel


  • Submit well-written, high-quality, original, or re-purposed (i.e. revised title and content from its original) English-language content using a casual writing style. Read my posts as your guideline.
  • Appeal to a diverse, international audience using an informative, friendly, and informal writing style.
  • Keep your content within 500-750 words in length.
  • Ensure any links in your post are relevant and active if referring to studies, surveys, or other relevant information.
  • Ensure your content does not infringe on copyright laws or includes anything plagiarized. Use quotes, when appropriate, to make your point.
  • Proofread for correct spelling, grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure.
  • Use bullets, lists, sub-heads, and/or short paragraphs that make reading easier.
  • Include a catchy title. I recommend using this headline tool.
  • Be yourself and share a personal experience, a story, or teach readers something valuable on your topic.
  • Match your content with one of the categories listed on the blog.
  • Appeal to readers from small or mid-sized businesses or who work in the nonprofit sector.

Important note: I no longer have the time to edit submissions. I can only accept pieces with good grammar, spelling, clarity, and sentence structure that demonstrate knowledge of the subject matter and bring value to my readers.

Please Don’ts:

  • Don’t e-mail me with your idea without having done your due diligence. I delete e-mails that don’t include a personal salutation, are part of a mass mailing, or indicate that you have never read my blog.
  • Don’t use affiliate or promotional links in the body content.
  • Don’t submit posts on previous topics or discussions unless you are adding something new or different.
  • Don’t e-mail your submission in HTML format, or in a Word or text document. Please send it in the body of your e-mail.
  • Don’t include a call to action to visit your blog or product/service web page.
  • Don’t include opinions on, or references to, religion, politics, or other controversial subjects. This is a marketing blog.
  • Don’t submit a guest post simply to get a back link to your site. If you have no intentions of promoting and sharing the post, I will remove the link. Let’s make this mutually beneficial, OK?
  • Don’t be discouraged if I don’t accept your submission. It took me many years to hone my writing skills.

Stuff to Know:

  • E-mail your post with the text in the e-mail body.
  • You don’t need to send a blog image. I will add an appropriate one with your post.
  • Include a 50-word author’s bio with one link to a legitimate site of your choice. You may also include your Twitter handle.
  • If I accept your post, I will ask for your photo in a jpeg format: 72 or 150 dpi.
  • I may add additional information to your post as Editor’s Notes, only if I deem it necessary.
  • You retain the copyright to your post however, once it has been publicly posted, I reserve the right to use and refer to it.
  • Submitting your guest post does not guarantee publication in the blog. Sorry about that. I do promise to read and review each legitimate submission and let you know if I will publish it.
  • After posting, please check your post frequently the first posting day and for the following week. Please respond to any comments in a timely manner.
  • Once your post has gone live, please promote it to your colleagues and social networks including Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, and your own blog (if you have one).

Thanks a million for considering a guest post on my blog. I appreciate your interest!



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