Elaine Fogel


If You’ve Got a Chip on Your Shoulder Why are You in Marketing or Sales?

chip-on-shoulderWhen you cold-call prospects, how do you respond when they ask if you’re selling something? It’s a very common question busy people will ask when they don’t know you.

IF you keep a positive attitude, no matter what, you have a slight chance to move prospects to the next step. But, if you don’t, the odds are high that you’ve blown their first brand experience with your organization.

This happened to me yesterday and it took me aback.  Continue reading

Please Do Your Homework Before Emailing Prospects!

Man Hit on the Head By an At SymbolI can’t tell you how many times I receive emails from people who have no clue what I do. It’s like they stuck their fishing rod into the prospect pond hoping they would pull out a good-sized fish.

I frequently get requests from alleged blog writers wanting to contribute blog posts, but they haven’t bothered to check my blog at all! They either don’t address me by name, suggest topics that have nothing to do with marketing, or don’t write English very well. And, I have a “Guest Blogging” tab on the site, too, that outlines the parameters for guest bloggers.

It just doesn’t make sense to me why people don’t do a little research before contacting prospects.

Want examples? Here’s one:  Continue reading

Best States to Be in Fundraising or Luxury Sales

A new study shows which states have the most millionaires per capita. If you’re a fundraiser or in luxury sales, you’ll want to know if YOUR state is at the top of the list!

Last year, almost 5.2% of the US’ 119.2 million households had more than $1 million in investable assets, according to a study from Phoenix Marketing International (PMI). From 2006 through 2013, three different states have held the top rank, while one has lagged at the bottom each of those years save for 2012.

OK, I’ll tell you which one has held first place for the past three years - Maryland, with 7.7% of its households boasting at least $1 million in investable assets. That’s the highest figure recorded by PMI over the last 8 years of data.

Want to know where YOUR state stands?  Continue reading

Want to Reach Your B2B Buyers?

Reaching-B2BWhat are the best methods to reach your B2B (business-to-business) buyers? A recent study by Pardot (ExactTarget), has some interesting findings for companies that market to businesses.

Entitled “The State of Demand Generation,” results focus on what’s working best in demand generation. Just in case you’re unsure what this term means, here’s the definition used by the study author, Matthew Sweezey:

Demand generation:  the practice of driving awareness and interest in a brand’s products and services.”

How do buyers find you?  Continue reading

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